
This will automatically add a superscript number at the end of your sentence, and it will also create a place at the bottom of the page for you to type the footnote. Then, click the References tab on the Word toolbar. When you are ready to cite your first source in your paper, end your sentence and punctuation. You can save yourself a lot of time and effort if you use the features within Microsoft Word to automatically number and structure your footnotes. If a single paragraph of your paper contains several references from the same author, it is acceptable to use one number after the last quotation, paraphrase, or summary to indicate the source for all of the material used in that paragraph. The notes themselves are single-spaced, and the first line of each note is indented five spaces from the left margin. In the footnote itself, use the same number. To acknowledge a source in your paper, place a superscript number (raised slightly above the line) immediately after the end punctuation of a sentence containing the quotation, paraphrase, or summary - as, for example, at the end of this sentence.1 Do not put any punctuation after the number. Footnotes come at the bottom of each page, separated from the text with a typed line, 1 and ½ inches long.